Web Design For People Who Are Not Web Designers

Not a web designer but need a little help designing your website?

Never fear, here are some super basic tips to follow to ensure that your website is looking its absolute best. You may not be into web design, but at least you can ensure that your website designer in The Woodlands has followed these main guidelines:

Stick with 2/3 colors:

If you’re not an expert in design, then it’s easy to fall into the trap of using a lot of colors and not having any real palette planned out. But it’s best to pick two or three hues that look amazing together and sticking with those. This will ensure your website design retains a consistent and cohesive look.

Stick with 2/3 fonts:

You may feel the need to use arial, open sans, Baskerville, comic sans and apple chancery. Don’t. Stick with two or three that look good together and leave the rest be. Use the same typefaces across the entire website and leave the other favorites for personal use. The more you stick with your consistent brand image, the more users will start to associate you with those design elements.

Stick with 5-8 navigation items:

Make sure you don’t overwhelm your user. Leave them with a clear sense of direction. Ensure that all of the page names make sense to a first time user. It might be fun to call things unique names, but if it confuses your audience then they won’t be able to find what they are looking for and leave your website.

Use white space:

Use white space to create points of interest, draw the eye in a logical direction or to balance out the content of the webpage. Web designers employ the use of white space for a reason, and you should too. Simplicity is chic, and too much content overload can look cheap. Ensure that you don’t give your audience too many options as ultimately, this may frustrate them to the point of bouncing right away from the page.

Ensure your design scrolls:

Like Facebook and Instagram have taught us, scrolling is king. Don’t use another method like the flip method that a book uses. Most importantly, ensure that your content above the fold is interesting enough for people to WANT to keep scrolling. So, the most important information needs to be placed at the top of the screen. The key takeaway here is, people will scroll, if you give them enough reason to. Think about this when planning your web page design in The Woodlands.

Keep it consistent:

It’s also really important to keep your menu and any other constant web design elements in the same place on every page so that the user can always find it, and your web design maintains your consistent brand image.

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