5 Top Trends For Web Designers in Houston

Web designs in Houston never stay the same. Gradients and rich textures have been replaced with that of a more dynamic interface. Web designers understand that technology comes first and that attention span is short, so the website they create must satisfy the users needs for efficiency and information.

Particle Backgrounds

The problem with traditional video is that it doesn’t always function as it should. Videos look great, but they might slow the website’s speed or glitch which will affect the whole web design.

Particle backgrounds have replaced video backgrounds with their lighter and nimble JavaScript. They consist of beautiful imagery that moves in a way that doesn’t affect the performance of your website. The best web design in Houston is that which emphasizes the message, allowing this moving imagery to be naturally incorporated in the background.

Making People The Center

A good web page design should always have a purpose and eliminate the unessential, cluttering elements. The purpose shouldn’t be praising the brand, but rather focus on satisfying the needs of the audience.

Nowadays there’s an increasing demand to focus on the people who are visiting these web pages, and how they interact with them. In order to create a website that hooks the audience, you need to take into account the current practices for both mobile and desktop use. These relate to speed, larger interactive areas, a polished look and responsive imagery.

Custom Images

The old website designs once used mass-produced images to reflect the products and services of all companies. Nowadays, this shows a lack of personalization and authenticity, which can’t create an emotional connection between consumers and brands.

This generic imagery has been replaced with custom ones that feel more personal. With studies that show visual information makes up 90% of all the information conveyed, websites should focus on using images that form loyal, invested customers.

Dynamic Animations And Grid Systems

Static imagery can emphasize a point, but today’s best website designs rely on integrated animation as well. It moves automatically, is highly interactive and gives a dynamic appearance to your website. In turn, this helps attract interest, direct attention and bring the message into focus.

Overlapping grid systems provide extra dynamic and are used to underline the message as well. The technique has replaced the goody-two-shoes perfect grids. These integrated designs are immediately functional, even if they seem to invade each other’s personal space. And although this used to be considered tactless, the overlapping grid system is an innovative way of focusing on user experience.

Responsive Designs

A responsive web design ensures that users feel special and that they have a customized experience that focuses on their needs. For this, you can use simple prompts when a user opens your home page. Once they have answered your question, your website reveals only the information that’s relevant to that particular user.

To ensure you maintain the loyalty of your customers, make sure they remember you and come back to your website, you also need custom messaging that enhances the visitor experience even after they’ve made a purchase. The relationship with users doesn’t stop after conversion, but can be strengthened with appropriate call-to-action prompts or extra info.

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